Beating Infertility and Cancer with Kiarra Hand

Kiarra Hand is both a friend of Robyn’s and fellow Admin of the Fertility Warriors Support + Chat Facebook group. In mid-2016, she was diagnosed with Stage 3 Bowel Cancer. Today she’s in full remission and has an 8-month-old baby boy and shares her story about coping with both cancer and infertility.

Key takeaways and Kiarra’s tips:

  • Talk about it with your partner and be honest, rather than think of it as, “I’ve got this problem,” think of it as, “It’s us against the problem.”
  • Get real with your feelings and let them out!
  • The best thing you can you do is to start talking.
  • Ask for help if you need it – help is always there.
  • Talk about it and normalise it with people who’ve gone through the same experience.
  • Tune into what you need… get in the bath, log off social media, light a candle, go outside and get some fresh air, call a friend.
  • It’s important to set boundaries for yourself.
  • Sometimes you just need some champagne and a cry!
  • Focus on getting yourself well, keeping yourself well and what you can do to help the result. Kiarra went to acupuncture, saw a naturopath and cut out alcohol.


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