Blending Conventional and Holistic Treatment with Cancer Thriver, Emma Bowen

The Fertility Warriors PodcastI’m sure you can tell that this is one of my favourite people on the podcast today, Emma Bowen chatting about how she blended holistic and conventional cancer treatments, in a really confident and empowered way.

When we’re on our fertility (and cancer journey’s), it can feel like it has to be one way or another. You’re either going the conventional route or continuing with ‘natural’ cancer treatments…. And that doesn’t always have to be the case. There are HUGE benefits in blending the two together.

I especially loved how Emma talked about:

  • How she was ‘human’ and allowed herself grace to navigate towards what felt good
  • How a gratitude journal was a big game changer
  • Navigating the inevitable insensitive and unhelpful comments she received

Connect with Emma

Follow Emma @empoweredwith_em on Instagram here

Visit Emma’s website here

Grab Emma’s Chemo Checklist here

Emma’s Book Recommendations

Stress Less Accomplish More by Emily Fletcher

Dying to Be Me by Anita Moorjani

Radical Remission by Dr Kelly Turner

Mind over Medicine by Lissa Rankin

The Cancer Fighting Kitchen Cookbook by Rebecca Katz



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