BTS: What to do when you feel triggered

The fertility Warriors PodcastHellooooo and welcome to my Behind the Scenes Series for January. Today’s topic is about what to do when you feel triggered by something.

These podcasts are taken from inside the private Fertility Warrior Family Facebook Group that accompanies my signature 12 week program. The Fertility Warrior Intensive. These are NOT the training videos or modules from within the course but within our private Facebook Group. I jump in with regular group coaching and support for warriors – I’m super active in there and drop in every few days with videos, images, thoughts – support, advice, real talk – you name it. Then once a month we do a big group coaching session. What to do when you feel triggered

There is SO much to this program, and I’d love to share more with you. To learn more, jump on the waitlist here: – we’ll be opening the doors to the program in February and we’d love to welcome you as our latest warrior.


Listen here.