What to buy someone with infertility

Great gifts for loved ones with infertility and TTC by Robyn Birkin at Modern Day Missus
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Ahhh what to buy someone with infertility – I have such gold in this post, I promise!

When I shared the news of our infertility with friends and family I knew it was the right decision to make, and while I received sometimes insensitive comments, and people generally didn’t know what to say/do/how to act, I was blown away at the amount of love I received.

It is such a minefield though, and that is why I’m publishing this series of four blog posts, to help people sharing this news and also help people on the other side who don’t know what to do. A great way to show you care is to buy someone a little gift, so here are some ideas on what to buy someone with infertility:

Wheat Heat Bag

How cute is this bag from Rondelle Designs! Check them out on Etsy.
How cute is this bag from Rondelle Designs! Check them out on Etsy.

If you have a friend who is going through infertility, they may feel generally rubbish from the medications, but if they are doing IVF, when they have a retrieval, their insides can be quite painful. Almost everyone who goes through a retrieval, would LOVE a wheat heat bag.

Bath Salts and Bath Teas

Botica Bliss Bath Teas | Gifts to buy your loved one with infertility by Robyn Birkin at Modern Day Missus

Isn’t a long, hot bath just so relaxing? Bath salts or teas are a lovely gift for someone with infertility. The stress of infertility is not only unavoidable, but research has shown it to be comparable to a cancer diagnosis (although for different reasons), so anything you can do to help them manage that stress, and keep cool is awesome!

I love these gorgeous bath teas from Botica Bliss (and make sure you check out their gorgeous Instagram page!!) They have names like tranquil nights and soothing bliss – that just sounds like just the ticket if you ask me!

A Fertility Pack

What to buy someone with infertility - fertility pack

I actually bought this for myself, but it has brought me so much joy. The incredible Louise at Yogi Tree Wellbeing is a master of many talents, and put together a surprise fertility pack for me, together with crystals and essential oils. It was such a lovely surprise and such great value for money. I honestly love everything in this pack and think this would be an ah-mazing gift for anyone. I just messaged her and asked for it, and then she came back to me with a price.

Essential Oils

Essential Oils are all the rage at the moment, aren’t they? For years now I’ve been loving certain blends, and use essential oils instead of perfume – check out this post of mine if you want to know why. The ones I use are the ones I’ve got from Louise at Yogi Tree, but I also have the Chakra Balance and Light Haven from Synthesis Organics.

Flower Essences

Flower essences by Naughty Naturopath Mum - gifts for people with infertility

Have you ever heard of rescue remedy? Well flower essences are kind of the same. They’re like little drops of… well… flower essences that help with different conditions. My favourite are the ones by Naughty Naturopath Mum

Alisha has ones like ‘Self Care’ and ‘Help’ and I love her little descriptions too. You can buy them individually or in a pack and if you read her reviews, people SWEAR by them!

Affirmation Cards

I LOVE my affirmation cards. Affirmations are part of what got me through infertility. I actually have heaps of different ones.

Massage/Day Spa Voucher

Nothing takes your mind of a crappy time in your life like an ah-mazing massage. When I was going through the trenches and having such a rough time of it all, my cousin bought me a massage, and she bought one for herself too, and we went together and it felt so good to just pamper myself. Years later, and this has become a little tradition for us to share a massage together each year.


There is just something about Kris Carr that I love. I seriously love her attitude, and her voice is so calming (unlike mine lol). Meditation is another one of those things that help manage the stress people with infertility are under, and research has shown that there are huge positive effects, both for general wellbeing and fertility treatment outcomes, with the use of mind body techniques like meditation. Here are some meditations from Kris Carr. I’ve also shared some cool, free, Youtube meditations here.

Anything Pineapple

Rondelle Designs Wheat Heat Bag - gifts for people with infertility

I actually don’t know why, but in the fertility crowd, pineapples are a thing. They’re like the good luck charm of infertility. If you can find something cute with pineapples on it, and give it to your friend with infertility, they’ll be like ‘OMG, you know!!’ and will no doubt, love it.

Rondelle Designs also has a pineapple wheat heat bag…. talk about killing two birds with one stone!


Mantraband - Gifts for friends with infertility by Modern Day Missus

What to buy someone with infertility

Seriously…. how cool are these! There are SO many designs. I found out about these when one of the tribe in our Fertility Warriors Facebook Group (all Fertility Warriors and badass TTC babes welcome! It’s a closed group) gave it to me as part of our regular care package swap. Senia bought me one that says Warrior – it’s so me! I’ve been wearing it everywhere!

This is a pic of the little pack I received <3

Infertility Care Package - Robyn Birkin from Modern Day Missus



So that’s my list. Has someone bought you something that has made your heart melt? Comment below and let me know xx