I’ve called today’s podcast, is your diet stopping you from falling pregnant?
I’ve handed over the reigns again to one of my fertility warrior friends. This week, I’d like to introduce you to Sarah Clark from Fab Fertile and the reason I’ve called this podcast is your diet stopping you from falling pregnant, is because that is pretty much the best way to describe what happened with Sarah.
She ate a NORMAL diet, but her body was screaming for her to stop eating certain foods. Infertility, donor eggs, and two kiddos later, and she finally realised what the what was going on with her body, and has now been inspired to share that knowledge with others.
And I love that she isn’t just about a one size fits all approach – functional testing (which she explains more in the podcast) is all part of her tailored approach.
Tune in to hear Sarah give advice on the top food items you should ditch from your diet, and how to go about making dietary change in order to supercharge your fertility.
About Sarah:
When Sarah Clark was 28 years old, she received a diagnosis of premature ovarian failure. She accepted the diagnosis and had both her children through in vitro fertilization. Years later she realized the root cause of her infertility was a food intolerance.
She is a certified life coach with accreditation from the International Coaches Federation and a health coach with training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
She is the author of Fabulously Fertile – Supercharge your Fertility Naturally, Fabulously Fertile Cookbook and Fertility Preparation Program. Her fertility coaching program, which includes functional lab testing, supports couples to make diet and lifestyle changes that dramatically improve the chances of a healthy pregnancy and baby!
Sarah’s Programs:

Listen here.