From Hot Mess to Success: Rebekah’s Story

How to manage the stress of infertilityToday I’m sharing the story of Rebekah. I first got to know Rebekah when she reached out to me and told me that she needed to try and make a positive out of a negative and finally try to seek out someone in Perth who was in a similar situation, because she felt she wanted some more support on her journey.

Rebekah was already speaking with a counsellor/therapist, so she was more after connection and people to bounce some ideas off.

So… we organised a Perth catch up and had a great dinner with about six other Fertility Warriors.

But, Rebekah still found herself feeling incredibly stressed by the toll of infertility and treatments. She felt like a shadow of her former self and like this rollercoaster was sucking the joy out of her life.

So, she decided that change was needed and over the next three months went from a hot mess to achieving ultimate success, not just in pregnancy, but in being able to cope with the setbacks of IVF, determine a course of action to move forward with a rational mind, and most importantly, find happiness in life again.

Here’s her story.

Key Takeaways and Rebekah’s Tips:

  • During her fertility journey, Rebekah was diagnosed with Coeliac’s Disease and cut gluten out of her diet.
  • Sign up to a mind/body program like the Fertility Warrior Intensive!
  • Instead of repelling babies or feeling negative towards others who are pregnant or have babies, turn it around. Rebekah started holding babies etc after avoiding them for a long time.
  • Know that you can make a change and the only person that can make that change is you.
  • As a result of the Fertility Warrior Intensive course, Rebekah still journals and attends yoga regularly.

Visit Resolve The National Infertility Association Site:  


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