Have you said something nice today?

The Share the Love Challenge (#sharethelove) is nearly over.

Yesterday’s challenge was to subscribe to two new blogs. I put out the call out and some of my Facebook followers put me in touch with a few new blogs.  If you’re stuck, check out my Links page (and let me know if I’ve missed anyone awesome!).

While you’re there, notice anything different?

I have a terrible habit of changing the theme on my blog. Last time, I said that I was going to stick with the theme, but my personality has changed, and there were things about the theme that I discovered I didn’t like after the fact. So I changed it, hopefully for good (or a long time!).

But, so far I’m loving this theme. A logo redesign could be in order, and I have many more pages and ideas so stay tuned.

Some other pages for you to check out on the Modern Day Missus site:

  • The recipes page – it now looks reeeaally pretty… this was one of the reasons I wanted to change themes
  • The movies page – these are some of the movies that have really shaped my lifestyle choices (stay tuned – books page on the way)
  • Vego in Perth – for anyone else who lives in Perth, this is a page that links to two other sub-pages of shops where I get my various ingredients from, and restaurants I try and recommend. Definitely not exhaustive lists, but ones that I’ll continue to add to.

Now, back to the Share the Love Challenge.

Today’s challenge is to say something nice to a stranger, co-worker or neighbour.

Such an easy challenge, how can you not be a part of it?

Here are some ideas:

“Oh, your scarf/tie/top looks nice today”

“Everything in this shop looks lovely”

“The produce here looks so fresh”

“Wow they look delicious”

“I like your hair”

So easy to do!

After today, there are two more challenges, and don’t forget to get involved in the hamper give away… mmmm… Pukka Tea.

Share the Love
Share the Love people!

Do you have any feedback on the new layout? Are there any other pages you’d like to see?


Have a lovely weekend.


Robyn xx

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