Healing Infertility Trauma with Naomi Woolfson of Embrace Fertility

Infertility trauma is absolutely real and something we don’t talk about enough. In today’s episode, I spoke with the incredible Naomi Woolfson of Embrace Fertility all about this exact topic.

Naomi and I have been friends for quite some time but one of the reasons I was so keen to get her onto the podcast was because as a trauma-trained infertility therapist, she is trained in a technique called EDMR – which we chatted about in depth.

Infertility traumaSome of the things we spoke about were: 

  • What is trauma?
  • How can we recognise it?
  • What are the repercussions of trauma?
  • How can we heal from trauma?
  • The work we can do ourselves
  • The work we can do with a trauma-informed therapist. 
  • What are the next steps you can take to investigate this area further?

To access the free guided fertility visualisation to uncover and dissolve any emotional blocks to conception mentioned in this episode go to www.embracefertility.co.uk/future

Naomi Woolfson, of Embrace Fertility, is a therapist specialising in supporting women through trying to conceive, fertility treatments and then pregnancy and birth following infertility. She and her partner went through almost 4 years of infertility, IUI’s, IVF, anxiety, surgery and a miscarriage before they went on to conceive both of their ginger children naturally!

 On her podcast, she offers emotional support and shares mind-body techniques to help you feel calm and confident and ultimately find yourself again while waiting for your baby. Search for Embrace Fertility on your favourite podcast player to listen.


Listen here.


Visit www.embracefertility.co.uk for more details about Naomi’s products and services.

 Follow Naomi on Instagram @embracefertility and Facebook.


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