How to survive the Two Week Wait

Today, I’m talking about how to survive the two week wait. We get lots of women in our Facebook community talking about how hard it is to get through those two weeks between ovulation or transfer, and the prospect of a positive pregnancy test.

Oh man, I had so many two week waits on my journey.


They’re maddening, right!

Today on the podcast I’ve talked about some of what I’m calling the two week wait ground rules.

These include:

  • Giving yourself permission to wonder and analyse the sensations in your body – it’s totally OK and normal!
  • WILLING yourself to be pregnant. Staying positive and hopeful that this is your month #pupo
  • Trying to resist the urge to test – see my previous post for 10 reasons why you shouldn’t test, but the number one reason is that you can often get a false positive or a false negative so you’ll almost always need to test at the end of the 14 day period anyway, and whatever result you get initially, could be wrong
  • Keeping busy to keep your mind off testing. In the podcast I talk about a trip I had to Japan where my Doctor told me that staying busy was the key to avoiding homesickness, and he was right!

I also talk about my 14 day fertility warrior challenge – it’s a free challenge that includes a daily love note with tips and stories from me, a colouring in mandala and a beautifully designed affirmation for each day PLUS my bumper list of 101 things to do during the two week wait. It’s totally free and will add a bit of fun to your two week wait – what’s to lose!  


Listen here.

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