Infertility: Stop Hitting the Pause Button on Life

Infertility: Stop Hitting the Pause Button on LifeToday on the podcast I’m giving you a little bit of a reality check, and a loving kick up the butt to start living your life again.

On our journey, it’s so common for us to end up putting our lives on pause… we think we’ll fall pregnant soon so we stop taking holidays. We want to save money so we stop eating out or cancel some of our hobbies… and before we know it, we’ve ended up sucking all of the joy that we had in our lives, and that joy has been replaced by things that royally suck.

In fact, we have a whole module dedicated within the Fertility Warrior Intensive to this exact topic because it’s so important for us to find that joy again on our journey.

So, dive in. I think you’ll find this SO incredibly valuable.

Key takeaways and Robyn’s Tips:

  • Think about what you can add to your life and your journey that will look after you and make you have more fun. Can you start a new hobby, craft or skill?
  • Ask yourself, What can I do right now for me on my journey? Do things really need to wait? Do I really need to wait to take a holiday? Is postponing my IVF cycle for one month really going to make or break whether I fall pregnant or not? The chances are, no!
  • Go back and listen to the Infertility Stress Series 1-5!

Think about how you want to live your life and whether you just want to let this portion of your life pass you by or whether you want to fully enjoy your life right now and have a really awesome life alongside going through something that is really really hard.


Listen here.