Meet Modern Day Missus, Rachel G

Happy Monday!

I absolutely love this series, and it is great to be featuring a few more of our tribe in the near future – I’d love anyone to get involved. If you’d like to join the tribe, get in touch with me at

Rachel and I work together and have done so for the past four years. Ever since I can remember, Rachel has been one of the biggest animal lovers I know, so I guess it makes sense that she is a fellow vego.

She also totally puts me to shame most days when she changes from her work clothes to her workout clothes…. maybe I should take a cue and do the same!

Rachel Grove

Meet Modern Day Missus, Rachel G.

Where are you from? Perth

Describe your eating/life style in one sentence: Vegetarian, hoping to make the transition to becoming vegan in the near future.

Main reason for choosing this lifestyle: I have always had a love for animals so now that I am doing my own grocery shopping and cooking for myself it was an easy decision.

Main reason for sticking with it? Now that I have been vegetarian for over a year I don’t miss meat at all and have learnt how easy it is to cut it out of your life.

Number one lesson learnt since embarking on this lifestyle: Becoming a vegetarian may just seem like a change in eating habits to some people but it has changed the way I view a lot of things now, and has made me a lot happier in my life knowing I am doing what I believe in.

What would you say is the biggest challenge? Convincing family and friends that I can be vegetarian and still happy, healthy and not lacking any nutrients.

Rachel Grove

Typical breakfast: Porridge or fruit salad

Typical lunch: Soups in winter and salads in summer

Typical dinner: I go out for dinner a lot so this changes

What is your go-to recipe? Veggie pasta. I love vegetables so the more the better.

I can’t live without…. Almonds and cashews. My desk drawer and handbag are always full of these for when I get a bit peckish in between meals.

The movie I think everyone should watch is: The Pursuit of Happyness

The book that changed my life isMake Peace With Your Plate (affiliate link)

Favourite recipe book: Plenty by Yotam Ottolenghi

Do you exercise? Yes, I have a treadmill at home so I try to go on that most days and also enjoy doing CX Worx and Pump classes at the gym. On weekends I like walking the dog around the lake too, it’s much nicer exercising outdoors!

Rachel Grove

Three blogs you recommend: Oh My Veggies, Oh She Glows and This Rawsome Vegan Life

On the weekend, where will we find you? At the park with my nephews, walking my dog and trying out new restaurants with friends.

Rachel Grove

If you could have dinner with one person (dead, alive, real or not real), who would it be? Robin Williams

Favourite quote: “Be kind to every kind, not just mankind.”


I love this quote! Thank you Rachel!