So you need a donor. Now what?

So… you’ve landed in egg donor conception land.

Maybe you’ve been slammed with the news from your Fertility Specialist, or you’re starting to suspect that you’re just not going to get pregnant with your own eggs/sperm/embryos.

Are you a hard no?

Maybe you’re a maybe.

Are you a yes but absolutely and completely terrified.

Well… if you’re EITHER of those things, you need to tune into this episode with Meta Getman. Meta is one of my good friends and a Donor Conception Coach who is chatting with me today about 5 myths surrounding donor conception (which let’s be real… everyone has thought about at some point or another). Meta has her own journey of using donor eggs and going from feeling hit by a brick wall and being a hard no, to considering using donor eggs to becoming a donor egg mom of twins.

About Meta

Meta Getman is a donor conception coach who helps family-focused, responsible, and thoughtful women and couples who have found themselves facing a journey to parenthood they had never imagined: using donor eggs, donor sperm or donor embryo.  Through her e-course, The Donor Downlow, Meta helps her clients go from isolation, loneliness, and fear of the donor process to hope, confidence and excitement for building their families. 

Meta and her husband Michael went through their own infertility challenges and after four IUIs and three rounds of fresh IVF, they achieved their dream of a family through using donor eggs. Meta has been featured in multiple podcasts, has spoken multiple times at the RESOLVE Midwest Family Building Summit and co-founded a local community where she lives for families who used a donor to have their children.  She is passionate about sharing her story and helping others who are exploring or headed down the path to using a donor.     

Grab a copy of Meta’s free Donor Decision Guide.  This free resource gives you all the essential questions you need to consider when using a donor to build your family. 

Connect with Meta on Instagram @metagetman or at her website:


Listen here.