I was in my element. My sister-in-law said I could help organise her baby shower, and pretty much gave me free reign to do what I wanted. She is a pretty laid back person, and it was quite an intimate affair so I didn’t want to go over the top (hopefully I didn’t – you’ll have to ask her that), but still make it a nice day for her to remember.
I started off designing three invitations for her to choose from, and then went from there. She chose the elephant design, so I thought we could do jungle animals as a bit of a theme.
They were designed in Photoshop, using fonts and brushes and images that were kindly available on the internet for personal use.
….and from here I think I’ll let the pics talk…

So, I had a good time, and like putting my creative skills to use outside the workplace for a change. Hope Maxine had a good day too!